How to grow and look after a herb windowsill indoor garden

Have you ever thought that your windowsill was looking a bit drab and that it would be lovely to have an indoor herb garden? Not only do they look good but they are also great for going that extra mile in your cooking as well as being fantastic for the environment. Well, look no further. We have put together everything you need to know to get started an grow yours from scratch.
What are the best herbs to grow for an evergreen all year round garden?
Basil not only tastes AMAZING on Pizza, Pasta, Salads and more, it is also pretty easy to grow given the right conditions. Basil likes a lot of sun, so keeping your indoor herb garden on a sunny windowsill will be just perfect. Also quick tip - basil thrives off being pinched (where you take the two top adult leaves where you feel it is getting too tall, and pinch them just below the leaves) as this promotes a bushier basil plant. 
Chives are a great staple in the kitchen, and they are also SO easy to grow! They also love the sunlight, therefore are great to be placed next to your basil. They even produce gorgeous little edible flowers!
Parsley is so versatile and can be added to pretty much anything you eat which makes this the perfect herb for your windowsill indoor garden.
Rosemary is a firm favourite for us - it perfectly complements any lamb dish, it tastes delightful in a focaccia. Not to mention how well it accompanies chicken, salmon, potatoes and pasta dishes!  Also, the smell in your kitchen with this on the windowsill is just unreal.
Sage not only looks beautiful, but it tastes phenomenal with all meats. But its taste isn't what sets this herb apart from the rest. It also is an excellent medicine for digestive problems, including loss of appetite, gas, stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn. It is also used for reducing overproduction of perspiration and saliva; and for depression, memory loss, and Alzheimer's disease.
Tarragon is so versatile it goes well with all the foods we associate with spring: salmon, chicken, veal, rabbit, eggs and baby vegetables like artichokes, fava beans, asparagus and carrots. Leaves of tarragon inserted under the skin of a chicken before it is roasted permeate the flesh with its flavour. Not only this, but Tarragon is also a great medicine for reducing blood sugar, inflammation and pain, while improving sleep, appetite and heart health. It's a winner!
Thyme is a gorgeous herb for most savoury dishes and breads. Not only does it smell lovely but it also is a fantastic remedy for gastrointestinal health, inflammation in the body and respiratory support if made up as a herbal tea. It's also know to suppress the appetite so is an absolute winner if you would like to lose some extra pounds.
Mint smells and tastes incredible and is an absolute must have for the indoor herb garden. It tastes wonderful in drinks, teas, salads and desserts as well as some savoury dishes like lamb! It's also a calming herb which has been used for thousands of years to soothe an upset stomach or digestion issues. You can't go wrong with this one!
Last but by no means least, Coriander. The king of herbs for Indian cuisine! This fragrant herb makes any curry that bit more special by complimenting it perfectly. It also can help to lower your blood sugar, fight infections, and promote heart, brain, skin, and digestive health. 
How do I grow the herbs?
Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow. Plus all the above herbs thrive off the sun which means they can all be kept together on the windowsill which receives the most sun in your home which is a winner.
Each individual seed has different needs for growing, but the general consensus is that they need well draining potting soil, a pot which we would recommend using ones that are at least 3-4" diameter, and water. Each seed packet purchased from Easy Grow Seeds has instructions on how to grow each plant, please see the links on the above sections to find where you can purchase the seeds we have discussed here. Once the seedlings develop true leaves (the leaves that are grown after the first initial two sprouting leaves) then a fertiliser would be perfect. We use the Miracle-Gro Pump & Feed as it is super simple to use and only requires 1 pump every 1-2 weeks directly into each pot, and the plants go crazy for it! It will keep the plants growing and then once they are at your desired size, you can just stop using the fertiliser and continue to water them as normal and they will continue to thrive.
So in short, it is extremely beneficial to have your own herb indoor garden because of the health, environmental and taste benefits and it is also so very rewarding to grow your own plants from seed. It actually has extremely positive effects on your mental health too. Therefore, everyone should at least give it a go!

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