Easy Grow Seeds
Forget-me-not Flower Seeds
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220 forget-me-not seeds. Myosotis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae. The name comes from the Ancient Greek μυοσωτίς "mouse's ear", which the foliage is thought to resemble. In the northern hemisphere they are colloquially denominated forget-me-nots or scorpion grasses.
These seeds come with an option of Eco Packaging - Find out more.
Sow Outside | May-June |
Sow Inside | May, June and September |
Growing Instructions
Sow forget-me-not seeds directly outdoors in May or June, or indoors in May, June and September. If sowing under cover, sprinkle seeds and cover with compost. Use a heated propagator or a warm windowsill to create the right conditions for germination. Once seedlings are large enough to handle, prick out and pot on. Flowers will appear the following year.