Wildflowers for Shaded Areas Mixed Flower Seeds
Easy Grow Seeds

Wildflowers for Shaded Areas Mixed Flower Seeds

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500 Wildflower seeds. If you have an edge area or dappled light or areas that only get part sun, then this mix will surely meet your requirements. They are especially well-suited to country properties for meadows, hillsides, roadsides and other rural plantings. Our Shade Mix requires strong, filtered sunlight or 1- 4 hours of direct sun per day to thrive. Under these optimum conditions, you will see a wide variety of beautiful annual and perennial blooms throughout the growing season. As with any flower species, the ones in our Shade Mix will not prosper in dense shade. Included in the 17 varieties, which will blanket your yard from early spring through late Autumn, you might find any of the following: Arroyo lupine, California Poppy, Five-spot, Baby-blue-eyes, Perennial flax, Chinese houses, Gilia, Bird's eyes, California bluebell, Satin flower, Godetia, Fiddleneck, Tidy tips, Beach evening primrose, etc. . Flowering will be nearly continuous if irrigated. The flowers can be cultivated in about any region that does not suffer any extreme heat, and has average humidity and rain. 

These seeds come with an option of Eco Packaging - Find out more. 

Sow Outside April-July

Growing Instructions

Do not fertilize wildflowers unless the soil is extremely depleted of nutrients. Fertilizers encourage weed growth and lush foliage rather than flowers. If the soil needs improvement, we suggest adding organic matter such as weed-free grass clippings, well rotted compost or peat moss. The wild flowers need to be watered regularly during the summer to keep the plants at their peak. To aid in natural reseeding and to keep a neat appearance, you can mow the flowers after they have gone to seed and lost their bloom. Mow them at a height of 4-6 inches-mowing below 3 inches could damage the perennial flowers.

First remove existing vegetation to avoid competition from other plants. This may be done by pulling, tilling under, or spraying with a general herbicide. Next prepare the seed bed by raking the soil to a maximum of one inch. Shallow soil preparation will limit disturbance of dormant weed seed. After your ground is cleared and weed free, you will apply your seed. For small areas, broadcast the seed by hand. For larger areas we recommend using a carrier such as clean, dry sand to help in even distribution. Use a ratio of 2 parts sand to 1 part seed when broadcasting or using a drop or cyclone seeder. Lightly cover the seed no more than 1/4 of an inch by raking or dragging. All seeds, including wildflowers, need ample moisture to germinate and develop into healthy seedlings. Best results will be obtained by soaking the planted areas thoroughly and maintain consistent moisture for 4-6 weeks; then gradually reducing the watering. If you can't water, plant the seeds prior to rain season. Fall plantings should be done late enough so that the seeds do not germinate until spring. In mild climates, plant in the cooler months of the year, fall through spring. Early plantings should be done when warm spring weather and adequate rainfall will accelerate germination and seed growth.