Seed Blog

How to grow an indoor garden

How to grow an indoor garden

January can be a gloomy month (especially here in the UK!), with short days and long nights. But don't let the weather get you down! Instead, why not brighten up your home and lift your spirits by starting an indoor garden?

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How to grow your own houseplants

How to grow your own houseplants

If you are thinking of growing your very own houseplants from seed, you are in the right place! This is the ultimate guide to growing houseplants whether they are carnivorous, tropical palms, aroids, cactus, succulents or bonsai trees! Carnivorous houseplants The first most important tip for growing carnivorous plants is to use distilled water when watering and also when you plant them. They will not survive if you use tap water! Second top tip is to sow your seeds, then place them inside a ziplock bag then straight in the fridge for stratification! This step is very important and will...

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Sarracenia Purpurea Medicinal Uses

Sarracenia Purpurea Medicinal Uses

Sarracenia Purpurea is not only a beautiful and unique looking houseplant that also catches flies, it also has a wide range of medicinal properties.  Also known as the Pitcher plant, it contains tannins and other chemicals that are thought to help with some digestive tract problems. There is some evidence that suggests that pitcher plant extract may affect nerves involved in pain sensation. Pitcher plant might also protect against certain viruses and also reduce blood sugar levels. The Sarracenia Purpurea have been used for centuries to treat smallpox (and other similar virus's), fevers, the herpes virus, and the whooping cough.  Sarapin, an...

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Amaranth – Why is it good for you?

Amaranth – Why is it good for you?

Amaranth is a nutritious, gluten-free grain that provides plenty of fibre, protein and micronutrients. It has also been associated with a number of health benefits, including reduced inflammation, lower cholesterol levels and increased weight loss. The nutrients in amaranth can offer significant health benefits as a part of a healthy diet. It's a source of vitamin C, which is vital to the body's healing process because it helps process iron, form blood vessels, repair muscle tissue, and maintain collagen. This in particular makes it a great boost to the anti-ageing regime, after all, prevention is better than cure! Amaranth is...

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Vegetables to grow in July

Vegetables to grow in July

  You might think that July is too late to start growing your own vegetables, but there are still vegetables you can grow despite it being the height of Summer. In fact, some vegetables grow much better in July than any other time of the year because the sun does all the work for you! Here is a list of vegetables that you can easily grow in July in the UK/Zone 9. Lettuces Most lettuce seeds are happy to grow in July and they are super quick to grow! Why pay expensive prices in the shops when you can grow...

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